New feature
a year ago

Custom Regex Validations

We have added a new feature that will allow users to add Custom Regular Expressions for validating the input responses.

Click on the Add Validation Button.

Add your Custom RegEx and also Custom Error Message.

Error is thrown if RegEx validation fails.






New feature
a year ago

Besides the "Auto Close date" option in the Form Setting, add the "Auto Open date" option for better operation control

We have introduced the Auto open/scheduled start date feature for providing users with better operational control. Users can now schedule their data collection for any decided future date.

Auto open date



Besides the "Auto Close date" option in the Form Setting, add the "Auto Open date" option for better operation control

a year ago

Share social profiles from Thank You screen

This improvement allows the data collectors to share their social profiles on the "Thank You" screen thus allowing their audience to easily follow and engage with them in their favorite social media channels for latest updates, news, and insights.

"Social follow icons" switch on the "Thank You" screen 


Type URL's in the format specified in the placeholder


Social profile URL's can also be added to the users Brand Kit.

Import Social profile URL's added to Brand Kit to the "Thank You" screen.






a year ago

Download only selected responses from the Responses screen.

This improvement allows one to download only specific responses from the Responses screen.

Select responses from the grid.

Select CSV or Excel download option.

Excel download showing selected rows alone.





New feature
a year ago

Migrate private surveys to team spaces

Users can migrate their form/survey present in their 'Private space' to one of their 'Team spaces'. This action cannot be undone once completed, and it will move all the responses, webhooks, and settings to the selected 'Team space'. Once migrated the form/survey will no longer be available in the user's 'Private space'.

A Survey in Private space.


Select the Migrate to Team spaces option.

Select the desired Team space to migrate, 


Survey migrated to Team space.


Survey removed from private space.