New feature
a year ago

Limit maximum response count

We have introduced the limit maximum response count feature.

This feature allows you to limit the number of responses you want to collect. Once the threshold has been reached, the survey will automatically stop collecting the responses.

Limit Maximum Responses


New feature
a year ago

Identity Verification using Web3 Wallets

We have added the Identity Verification component which utilizes the unique wallet addresses as digital signatures, and help facilitate identity verification in a secure and decentralized manner. This ensures that users are who they claim to be and protects their personal information from unauthorized access.

Identity Verification Question Type

Select the desired blockchain network

Initiate the verification process

Account Selection and message signing

Verification confirmation and submission

Analyze collected data

Using the above feature, users can now seamlessly collect wallet addresses from Ethereum, Solana, Stacks, and Bitcoin Networks for whitelist, allowlist, waitlist, and airdrop registrations.








New feature
a year ago

Sign-up/Sign-in using Ethereum-based wallets

We have added new sign-up/ sign-in mechanisms integrating BlockSurvey with Ethereum-based wallets such as Metamask, Wallet Connect, Brave Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, etc.

Sign up using Ethereum-based wallet options

 Ethereum-based wallet providers

 Sign up using WalletConnect


 Sign-up using the Metamask










New feature
2 years ago

Brave Wallet Integration

We have integrated the Brave Wallet sign-up method for users using the Brave browser and having Solana accounts. For users using browsers other than the Brave browser, Phantom wallet will be invoked for their Solana accounts.

Brave Wallet sign-up method


Brave Wallet

Phantom Wallet

This sign-up method can be used for gated surveys where survey collectors can collect SOL addresses and verify users for various purposes such as waitlisting, whitelisting, etc.






New feature
2 years ago

Anonymous Data Collection

Introducing the Anonymous data collection feature, the benefits of which include:

- Honest and more accurate responses from the respondents.

- Increased participation rates

- Protection of vulnerable populations

- Compliance with regulations

This feature is accessible on the survey settings page under the Make it Anonymous section, where users can turn it on to make data collection anonymous.

Turn on the "Make it Anonymous" feature


Anonymous Seal