a year ago

Create Surveys using AI

Create a survey using AI from document, URL and large text.

a year ago

Multiple file downloads

Download multiple files for the file upload component on the analytics page.

New feature
a year ago

Token Gating

NFT(non fungible tokens) or FT(fungible tokens) holding based gating has been enabled for stacks and bitcoin wallets.

New feature
a year ago

Repeat questions based on response to a number question

For example:

Q: "How many people in your household?" (a 'Number' question)

Then repeat one or more questions (age, gender, etc) for each member of the household.


Repeat questions based on response to a number question

08 August 2023

Repeat questions based on response to a number question

For example:

Q: "How many people in your household?" (a 'Number' question)

Then repeat one or more questions (age, gender, etc) for each member of the household.

New feature
a year ago

Support for drop-off statistics

Drop off satistics on Analytics screen to measure the completion rate.


Support for drop-off statistics

08 August 2023

Support for drop-off statistics

Hi Harini! I had a question about Blocksurvey - is there any support for drop-off statistics? For example, if someone were to fill in questions 1-3 but not complete the survey, is there any way we could track that? I'd like to know the completion rate of the survey, and more specifically, what pieces people are hesitating on .Thank you.