2 months ago

Token Gating feature

Improvements have been made to Token Gating feature.

Bitcoin - Token gating is now enabled for Ordinals (Bitcoin NFT), Runes(FT) and BRC-20(FT). 

Ethereum - For ease of use default top Fungible and Non Fungible tokens are now added for token gating.

When Collect wallet holdings feature is enabled, it will now collect all the Fungible Token balance of a user.

BRC-20 Token gating



Ordinals Token gating



Runes token gating


New feature
2 months ago

AI Survey Data Analysis

AI-powered survey analysis tool unlocks insights from your survey data in seconds.

AI-Survey Analytics


AI-Survey Analytics


New feature
4 months ago

Matrix Star Rating

We have introduced matrix star rating using which can be used to evaluate matrix rows and columns with star rating.

Matrix star rating


matrix star rating


New feature
4 months ago

Collect Wallet Holdings

We have introduced the feature to collect Wallet Holdings in our Web3 Identity components, thus enabling the collection of Token balance, Fungible Token Balance, Non Fungible Token Balance, Delegated Wallet Addresses.

Collect wallet holdings


Collect wallet holdings


New feature
4 months ago

Display logic for Options can now be set at each option level

We have introduced a new feature to set display logic for options which can now be set at each option level.

Display logic can be set from option settings


Display Logic pop up